In the November 7, 2019 edition of The Legal Intelligencer Edward T. Kang, managing member of Kang Haggerty wrote “When to Hire Outside Lawyers to Conduct an Internal Investigation.” The call for an internal investigation, not unique in the wake of the #MeToo movement, is not simply confined to the media…
Kang Haggerty News
Edward Kang Moderates The Legal Intelligencer’s 2019 Roundtable Discussion on Diversity & Inclusion Efforts
When ALM’s The Legal Intelligencer, also published online at, convened their annual Roundtable Discussion on Diversity and Inclusion efforts, they turned to Kang Haggerty LLC (KH) managing member Edward T. Kang to serve as moderator. The roundtable originally appeared in the October 15, 2019 edition of The Legal Intelligencer,…
CLE at NAPABA: Emoji Law: Are You Prepared for Emojis, Emoticons and Hashtags in Litigation?
Kang Haggerty managing member Edward T. Kang and associate Kandis L. Kovalsky are both presenters at an upcoming CLE on emerging issues in Emoji Law as part of the 2019 National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) Annual Convention, taking place in Austin, Texas, November 7-10. They will be joined by…
Legal Intelligencer: A Piece of the Tort(e): Tortious Interference With Expectancy of Inheritance
In the October 17, 2019 edition of The Legal Intelligencer Edward T. Kang, managing member of Kang Haggerty wrote “A Piece of the Tort(e): Tortious Interference With Expectancy of Inheritance.” While recently gaining traction in both the public eye and the legal field, the claim of tortious interference with expectancy…
Kang Haggerty at NAMWOLF 2019 Annual Meeting & Law Firm Expo
Kang Haggerty LLC Members Edward T. Kang and Jacklyn Fetbroyt, along with Associate Kandis L. Kovalsky, are attending the 2019 National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (“NAMWOLF”) Annual Meeting & Law Firm Expo. If you are attending the NAMWOLF Annual Meeting, or find yourself in the greater…
Legal Intelligencer: ‘T.M. v. Janssen Pharmaceuticals’—Lessons on Standards of Evidence
In the September 5, 2019 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward T. Kang, Managing Member of Kang Haggerty wrote “‘T.M. v. Janssen Pharmaceuticals’ – Lessons on Standards of Evidence.” The value of the reinstatement of T.M. v. Janssen for lawyers is that it clarifies laws about evidence, how courts determine evidence’s…
Kang Haggerty’s Greg Mathews and Henry Donner Named to Best Lawyers in America© 2020
Gregory H. Mathews Henry J. Donner Kang Haggerty is pleased to announce that Gregory H. Mathews (Commercial Litigation) and Henry J. Donner (Construction Law) have been selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© 2020, recognized for excellence in their respective practices for the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania market. Since it…
Webinar: The Complex Commercial Case in Arbitration
KHF managing member Edward T. Kang and associate Kandis L. Kovalsky are both faculty members for the upcoming webinar, “The Complex Commercial Case in Arbitration,” sponsored by the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division Litigation Committee as part of the ABA YLD’s 2019 Litigation Week webinar series. The July 22nd…
Legal Intelligencer: Piercing the Corporate Veil Under Pennsylvania Law
In the June 20, 2019 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward Kang, Managing Member of Kang Haggerty wrote “Piercing the Corporate Veil Under Pennsylvania Law.” In its simplest form, the piercing of the corporate veil is an equitable remedy available to the creditors of corporate entities to request the court…
Legal Intelligencer: Do Directors of a Board Have Access to the Company’s Privileged Materials?
What happens when a dispute is between or among directors of the same company? Can the company use the attorney-client privilege to shield corporate materials, including any attorney-client privileged materials against a director? In an article I wrote last month on attorney-client privilege, I discussed the potential for its abuse at…