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Kang Haggerty News


Kang Presents CLE for Strafford Publications: Piercing the Corporate Veil: Single Business Enterprise Theory

The CLE webinar will provide corporate counsel with guidance on piercing the corporate veil under the single business enterprise theory. The panel will address the increased potential liability for related businesses and the expanded circumstances under which the court may disregard the corporate form. The panel will discuss the implications…


Kang Haggerty Earns National Rankings from U.S. News “Best Law Firms” 2022

Kang Haggerty LLC has once again received national recognition for its Construction Law practice in the U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” 2022. The firm appeared in the national rankings for both Construction Law and Litigation – Construction. The practice is led by Henry Donner. In addition, the firm was…


Legal Intelligencer: Qui Tam Suits and Veil Piercing: A Powerful Combo for Combating Health Care Fraud

This article will discuss briefly the history of qui tam litigation, its interplay with piercing theories and the particular utility of these types of suits in the health care context. In the November 4, 2021 edition of of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward T. Kang of Kang Haggerty co-authored “Qui Tam Suits…


Legal Intelligencer: Significant Recent Changes to the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act

This column examines these amendments, the history behind Delaware’s prominence in the realm of corporate law, and discusses some key differences between LLCs and corporations. In the October 14, 2021 editions of The Legal Intelligencer and the Delaware Business Court Insider Edward T. Kang, managing member of Kang Haggerty wrote “Significant…


Legal Intelligencer: Enterprise Liability and When to Seek Piercing the Corporate Veil

In this column, we discuss Mortimer, the enterprise theory of liability generally, and the common sequencing decisions plaintiffs need to make when bringing a veil piercing claim. In the September 9, 2021 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward T. Kang of Kang Haggerty co-authored “Enterprise Liability and When to Seek…


Donner, Mathews, Kovalsky Recognized in 28th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America©

Kang Haggerty LLC is pleased to announce that three of the firm’s attorneys have been selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© 2022. Congratulations to Henry J. Donner, Gregory H. Mathews and Kandis L. Kovalsky. Donner also received recognition as “Lawyer of the Year” in the practice of…


Legal Intelligencer: ‘Cosby’ and the Use of Prior Bad Acts in the Civil Litigation Context

In the July 22, 2021 edition of The Legal Intelligencer Edward T. Kang of Kang Haggerty co-authored “‘Cosby’ and the Use of Prior Bad Acts in the Civil Litigation Context.” On June 30, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court authored another chapter in the saga of Philadelphia native Bill Cosby. With a…


Law Practice Today: Meet NAMWOLF’s New CEO: Leslie Davis

Edward T. Kang, managing member of Kang Haggerty interviewed NAMWOLF’s new CEO Leslie Davis for  The Women in Law Issue of American Bar Association’s Law Practice Today. The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) recently named attorney Leslie D. Davis as its new chief executive officer, succeeding…


Legal Intelligencer: Protective Orders in the Age of E-Discovery

In the July 8, 2021 edition of The Legal Intelligencer Edward T. Kang of Kang Haggerty co-authored “Protective Orders in the Age of E-Discovery.” Electronic discovery and its transformational consequences have been a defining feature of 21st century litigation. The sheer proliferation of data and associated complexity has necessitated the…


Legal Intelligencer: A Primer on Pennsylvania’s Participation Theory

In the June 24, 2021 edition of The Legal Intelligencer Edward T. Kang, managing member of Kang Haggerty, wrote “A Primer on Pennsylvania’s Participation Theory.” One of the primary benefits of organizing a business as a corporation (or similar entity) is limited liability protection. By establishing the corporation as a…