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Kang Haggerty Honors Whistleblowers on National Whistleblower Appreciation Day—July 30, 2022

Kang Haggerty is proud to honor all whistleblowers—past, present, and future—on National Whistleblower Appreciation Day, recognized each year on July 30th to commemorate the passage of the very first U.S. whistleblower law on July 30, 1778.

This annual recognition of whistleblowers, whose actions have protected the American people from fraud or malfeasance, started in 2013 with the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives recognizing July 30th to commemorate and embolden past and future whistleblowers.

Kang Haggerty’s Whistleblower Advocates division is committed to representing whistleblowers—holding companies and their executives accountable. We affirm the importance of whistleblowing by ensuring that rights are protected, fraud is passionately combatted, and the rule of law is aggressively upheld. Kang Haggerty thanks all the courageous whistleblowers that have raised qui tam actions and are eager to continue providing clients with the legal and strategic resources they need to successfully expose fraudulent activity.

Active members of TAF—Taxpayers Against Fraud, Kang Haggerty members Edward Kang and Kandis Kovalsky will present How to Whet Uncle Sam’s Whistle: A Guide to Litigating Cases under the False Claims Act at the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) 2022 National Convention in November.