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Articles Posted in Representative Cases


Representation of general contractor for work at Philadelphia International Airport defending claim in which subcontractor alleged contractor had settled a claim with Owner for extra work for an insufficient amount. After four and one-half days of trial and submission of post-trial briefs, court entered judgment in favor of client.


Representation of general contractor in arbitration prosecuting client’s claims for final payment and defending against owner’s claims of defective workmanship. Project at issue was a truck maintenance facility, and primary deficiency alleged by owner involved sinking conditions of access roadways and parking lot under weight of trucks. Contractor’s defense was…


Representation of mechanical contractor in multifaceted, multi-jurisdictional litigation involving construction of research facility for pharmaceutical company. Although lawsuit commenced with claim against a single defendant for constructive acceleration and failure to pay for extra work, case eventually involved seven parties in parallel actions in federal and state courts based on…


Defense of general contractor against claim by joint venture alleging that general contractor had breached an oral agreement to award a subcontract to the joint venture for work on what at the time, was one of the largest public works projects in the City of Philadelphia. After five days of…


Representation of general contractor handling numerous issues involving construction of a mental health crisis stabilization center in Florida. Representation included persuading owner’s Board of Trustees of Center to rescind what had been an attempt by the Architect to improperly terminate Contractor, and representation in subsequent litigation involving claims for extra…


Representation of mechanical and electrical prime contractors asserting impact claims for acceleration and delay against a county arising out of construction of a prison facility. At the conclusion of 64 days of arbitration hearings, arbitrators awarded damages in favor of contractors in an amount sufficiently high to require the County…


Representation of Construction Manager in arbitration by subcontractor on new hospital project alleging multiple claims for extra costs arising from alleged delays, scope changes and design deficiencies, including use and implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM), and in separate arbitration by another subcontractor on that project. Reached settlements in each…


Representation of construction manager in dispute over sufficiency of performance of exterior wall panel subcontractor on two projects. After 25 days of hearing, arbitration panel found against subcontractor on its seven million dollar claim, and awarded construction manager $1.58 million on its counterclaim. Representation also involved proceedings in state court…