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Articles Posted in Publications


Legal Intelligencer: Technology-Assisted Review: A Superior Approach in Legal Document Review

As technology continues to advance, legal professionals should embrace TAR as an invaluable tool in the search for efficient, accurate, and cost-effective legal document review. In the October 26, 2023 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Kelly Lavelle wrote, “Technology-Assisted Review: A Superior Approach in Legal Document Review.” Technology-assisted review (TAR)…


Legal Intelligencer: Not a Blanket Protection: Understanding Limits of Protections for Settlement Evidence

Although Rule 408 does preclude some settlement evidence from being admitted in litigation, it is a mistake, and potentially a dangerous one, to believe that any documents or communications bearing the label of “For Settlement Purposes Only” will necessarily fall within the scope of Rule 408. Lawyers must have a…


Legal Intelligencer: Beware of Ethical Issues in Today’s E-Discovery Landscape

Ethical issues in e-discovery arise due to the unique challenges and the complex nature of electronic data. The ethical challenges presented demand careful consideration and require lawyers to remain competent in emerging technology and the implications on e-discovery. In the August 10, 2023 Edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Kelly Lavelle…


The Legal Intelligencer: Sophisticated Schemers Beware: Civil RICO Expands Creditors’ Arsenal—Part II

The Supreme Court recently issued its opinion in Yegiazaryan v. Smagin affirming the Ninth Circuit’s holding and providing RICO plaintiffs with a powerful tool against debtors employing fraudulent tactics to avoid payment. In the July 20, 2023 Edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward T. Kang wrote “Sophisticated Schemers Beware: Civil…


The Legal Intelligencer: Emerging ‘Securities’ Litigation in Cryptocurrency

Courts will likely be grappling with questions regarding cryptocurrency for years to come—with the results from the suits against Binance and Coinbase potentially serving as guiding precedent in answering those questions. In the July 6, 2023 Edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward T. Kang and Kandis L. Kovalsky co-authored, “Emerging…


Legal Intelligencer: Fighting Fraud in Health Care Through the False Claims Act in the Third Circuit, Part 2

The statute does not define the term “resulting from,” which has led to differing interpretations of the causation standard required for an AKS violation to be considered a false claim under the FCA. The divergence of views among the circuit courts has created challenges for relators in proving causation. This…


Legal Intelligencer: Safeguarding Data Privacy in the E-Discovery Process

ESI often contains confidential data, such as trade secrets, financial information, and personal data, and attorneys need to be aware of their obligations to protect this information and prevent unauthorized disclosure. In the June 8, 2023 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Kelly A. Lavelle wrote “Safeguarding Data Privacy in the…


Legal Intelligencer: Officers and Directors Should Seek Mandatory Advancement Provision

Not all indemnification and advancement rights are created equal. While many companies provide broad and mandatory advancement rights to covered persons, some companies provide permissive advancement rights. In the May 18, 2023 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward T. Kang wrote “Officers and Directors Should Seek Mandatory Advancement Provision“ Advancement…


Legal Intelligencer: When Is Knowing ‘Knowing’ in FCA Cases? High Court Examines Two Cases

The Supreme Court is taking up two U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit cases where rulings shielded both food-and-pharmacy chains from FCA liability for alleged improper billing involving prescription drugs. If the high court sides with the Seventh Circuit, the impending result could mean an exponential loss of…


Legal Intelligencer: Tort Claims Between 2 Contracting Parties May Overcome the Gist of Action Doctrine

Earlier last year, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in SodexoMAGIC v. Drexel University made this law—that the gist of the action doctrine does not bar a viable tort claim between two parties just because the parties papered the social duty giving rise to a tort claim…