My last article, dated Jan. 25, visited the RICO pleadings requirement in light of the class action RICO lawsuit filed against Harvey Weinstein. The Weinstein RICO action is brought under the most popular section—Section 1962(c). In the article, I discussed the stringent requirements of pleading and proving civil RICO claims…
Articles Posted in Business Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Legal Intelligencer: How RICO Plays a Role in the World of Harvey Weinstein and #MeToo
In the January 25, 2018 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward Kang, Managing Member of Kang Haggerty, writes on How RICO Plays a Role in the World of Harvey Weinstein and #MeToo. Overcoming Obstacles Who in civil litigation does not love a good RICO claim? Its boundaries are seemingly endless, and in…
Legal Intelligencer: A Primer on International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration for Litigators
In the January 5, 2018 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward Kang, Managing Member of Kang Haggerty, writes A Primer on International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration for Litigators. Arbitration, whether compulsory or voluntary, is commonplace these days as a less expensive and more efficient resolution to litigation than trial. Litigators in…
Legal Intelligencer: What Rights Do I Have as a Limited Partner Against a General Partner?
In the November 9, 2017 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward T. Kang, managing member of the firm, writes on limited partnerships and the rights afforded to the limited partners when the general partner deviates from its duty of care. Limited partnerships offer an attractive option over the general partnership…
Legal Intelligencer: Through the Language Barrier: Examining a Witness Through Interpreters
In the October 19, 2017 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward T. Kang, managing member of the firm, writes on the significant impact interpreters can have on a case. The jury was thoroughly confused when a witness testified through an interpreter that he paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for…
Real Estate Buyer Beware of Bulk Sales – Or You’ll be Paying for It
What is a bulk sale clearance certificate, and how is a bulk sale clearance certificate related to a Pennsylvania real estate transaction? In Pennsylvania, a bulk sale clearance certificate must be obtained in all transactions involving the sale of fifty-one or more percent of the assets of a business, including…
Pre-Act 170 Pennsylvania Limited Partnerships Not Protected by Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing
In an opinion handed down on August 22nd of this year, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that, unlike other contracts formed under Pennsylvania law, limited partnership agreements formed under the pre-Act 170 version of the Pennsylvania Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act, do not contain the implied covenant of good…
Gregory H. Mathews Named to 2018 Best Lawyers in America List
Kang Haggerty LLC is pleased to announce that Gregory H. Mathews, Of Counsel, has been selected for inclusion in the 2018 edition of The Best Lawyers in America one of the most respected peer-review publications in the profession. Mathews is named to the list for his distinguished contributions to the…
Docs and the Ties That Bind Them
Restrictive covenants are contractual clauses that limit an employee’s post-employment activities for a specified length of time and geographic area. Their enforceability varies by state and by profession. For example, restrictive covenants are unenforceable in the legal profession but are enforceable in the medical profession. The American Medical Association,…
Legal Intelligencer: Henry Donner and David Dean on Practitioners’ Guide to Navigating New Mechanics’ Lien Law Amendments
In the August 21, 2017 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Henry Donner, Of Counsel at Kang Haggerty writes on the Practitioners’ Guide to Navigating New Mechanics’ Lien Law Amendments. By: Henry Donner Pennsylvania’s Mechanics Lien Law of 1963 was amended in late 2014 to require the commonwealth’s Department of General…