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Articles Posted in Business Litigation and Dispute Resolution


Kang Haggerty Earns Tier 1 Ranking from U.S. News “Best Law Firms” 2019

Kang Haggerty LLC has been named a Tier 1 law firm in Philadelphia for construction law by U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” 2019. In addition, the firm received a national tier 3 ranking in construction law, and a tier 2 rating in Philadelphia for commercial litigation. The…


Legal Intelligencer: Why Lawyers Should Care About Emojis

In the October 18, 2018 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward Kang, Managing Member of Kang Haggerty and Kandis Kovalsky, Associate of Kang Haggerty, co-authored, “Why Lawyers Should Care About Emojis.“ Today, there are close to 3,000 emojis in the Unicode Standard. As such, people can communicate a lot more…


Legal Intelligencer: Borrowing Statute: NY’s Bar to the Unsuspecting, Out-of-State Investor

In the September 6, 2018 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward Kang, Managing Member of Kang Haggerty, and Tianna Kalogerakis, Associate of Kang Haggerty, co-authored “Borrowing Statute: NY’s Bar to the Unsuspecting, Out-of-State Investor.” Despite the plaintiff-friendly pleading standards for securities fraud outlined by the Supreme Court in Merck & Co.…


Jacklyn Fetbroyt on “Negotiating Business Contracts”

Kang Haggerty is proud to share that Jacklyn Fetbroyt will be presenting at the National Business Institute (NBI) seminar “Negotiating Business Contracts” on September 21, 2018. Jacklyn Fetbroyt will speak on the following topics and more: Contract Risk Allocation Secrets: Safeguard Clients and Preserve Business Relationships How Key Risk-Shifting Provisions…


Kang Haggerty’s Greg Mathews and Henry Donner Named to Best Lawyers in America© 2019; Donner is Lawyer of the Year for Construction Law in Philadelphia

Gregory H. Mathews Henry J. Donner                   Kang Haggerty is pleased to announce that Gregory H. Mathews and Henry J. Donner have been selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© 2019. Greg was recognized for Commercial Litigation in Philadelphia. Henry…


Legal Intelligencer: Should an Arbitrator Determine Arbitrability Where a Claim Is ‘Wholly Groundless’?

In the July 26, 2018 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward Kang, Managing Member of Kang Haggerty,  and Kandis Kovalsky, Associate of Kang Haggerty, co-authored  “Should an Arbitrator Determine Arbitrability Where a Claim Is ‘Wholly Groundless’?” While arbitration clauses are often a topic of concern in the consumer context, they can…


Legal Intelligencer: Self-Authentication of ESI Under Federal Rule of Evidence 902

In the June 21, 2018 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward Kang, Managing Member of Kang Haggerty,  and Kandis Kovalsky, Associate of Kang Haggerty, co-authored “Self-Authentication of ESI Under Federal Rule of Evidence 902.” In a recent annual Federal Bench Bar Conference in Philadelphia, a U.S. District Court judge warned of…


Legal Intelligencer: Key Points in Negotiating and Preparing Settlement Agreements and Releases

In the May 17, 2018 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward Kang, Managing Member of Kang Haggerty, writes Key Points in Negotiating and Preparing Settlement Agreements and Releases. With fewer and fewer cases going to trial, lawyers must be competent in settling claims and preparing settlement documents that accurately capture the terms…


Kang Haggerty’s Henry Donner recognized as Senior Statesman for Construction Law in 2018 Chambers USA Rankings

Kang Haggerty LLC, a boutique business litigation firm with offices in Philadelphia, PA and Cherry Hill, NJ, congratulates Henry Donner, Of Counsel, for once again being selected among the top ranked construction lawyers in Pennsylvania in the 2018 edition of Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. One of only…


Legal Intelligencer: Court Provides Guidance on the Authentication of Social Media Posts, Or Does It?

In the April 12, 2018 edition of The Legal Intelligencer, Edward Kang, Managing Member of Kang Haggerty, writes Court Provides Guidance on the Authentication of Social Media Posts, Or Does It? Facebook has been making headlines lately over claims it shared personal data on more than 87 million people to the political…